Lawn Care
Whether you want a luxurious weed-free yard, or you’re looking to reduce chemicals and take a more holistic approach, we are committed to helping you reach your lawn care goals.

At Good’s Tree and Lawn Care, we’ve made it our business to offer quality services to promote good health for your lawn. Here’s how we can help:
Traditional Lawn Care Program
Our Traditional Lawn Care Program is a comprehensive year-long maintenance plan emphasizing overall lawn health and weed control.
With the exception of managing the water your lawn will receive, our five-step Lawn Application Program will give you a healthy, green, and weed-free lawn to enjoy throughout the year.
Want more details? Check out the full Lawn Care Program schedule here.
Regenerative Lawn Care Program
Our Regenerative Lawn Care Program focuses on building healthy soil and turf by weaning your lawn off of chemicals for a gentler lawn care approach.
Throughout the year we will apply 4 treatments containing beneficial bacteria, pre-biotics, and pro-biotics with little to no pesticides. Additional treatments are optional.
Learn more about the Regenerative Lawn Care Program here.
Overseeding is a method of planting grass seed over existing turf, and is the most common form of slit seeding. This method is popular because it can help fill in brown and bare spots without being invasive to your lawn. It also helps increase the density of grass growth and make the color more vibrant.
Many original lawns had been planted in a way that hasn’t stood the test of time. These lawns can be prone to disease and insect infestation. The overseeding method can help add protection again insects, disease, drought, and foot traffic. It also helps decrease dependency on fertilization, irrigation, and chemical pesticides.
Lawn Aeration
You’re not the only one who enjoys a breath of fresh air every once and awhile. Aeration, as a rule, should be done every other year. The benefits of aeration are substantial:
- Improves air exchange in the soil
- Enhanced fertilizer and water uptake
- Reduces soil compaction
- Helps grass plants produce a healthier root system
- Reduces thatch build up
When this service is done, it is an opportune time to overseed your lawn. The grass seeds will make their way into the aeration holes ad germinate, producing a thick healthy lawn.
Insect Control
Unwanted visitors: it is time to say goodbye! Good’s Tree and Lawn Care offers a service to control back yard nuisance insects. We use an all-natural product that is made in the USA. This product is applied with a mist blower. This service effectively kills mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and gnats while also providing a residual repellant against these insects.
Our licensed technicians will treat your property all summer long or provide an application for your special event.
Lawn Care Inquiry

Get to Know Our Lawn Care Team
Our professional staff is committed to superior customer service, working safe, and providing the best care to your landscape.
Just wanted to say in 7 months’ time, we’ve seen such a dramatic improvement in our lawn. Since our 1st treatment in September … the yard is green and grass is coming in quite amazing. We have a way to go, but it’s hard to believe we’re seeing the start of a beautiful lawn already!
While we were having our patio installed in our backyard one of the workers asked me who treats our lawn. I of course said Good’s Tree and Lawn Care/Green Seasons, and he said, “Wow, your lawn looks amazing. They know what they’re doing.” My husband also said earlier this month that he thought our lawn looked better than anybody’s!

Sometimes all you need is the right conversation with the right person. Our consultations, available to you at an hourly rate, can range from walking your landscape answering questions about your trees and shrubs to developing a long term management plan. Reach out to schedule a consultation today.