Good’s Tree and Lawn Care will provide service to control annual grassy weeds, broadleaf weeds, lawn insects above and below the soil, and provide nutrients to keep your lawn healthy and green.
We are committed to providing professional lawn care service to our customers. For customers of the full-service lawn program, our turf team will go back to your property and re-spray for weeds that pop up between services.*
The following are all aspects to be aware of to obtain a quality lawn. Many of these are included in our Full Lawn Care Program.
Annual grassy weeds ie. Crabgrass
We apply a pre-emergent herbicide in the spring to control the annual grassy weeds. If you have a full program we will apply a post-emergent herbicide with the summer application to control the crabgrass breakthrough.
Broadleaf weeds
Good’s Tree and Lawn Care generally applies broadleaf weed control every time we visit your lawn. Complete broadleaf herbicide applications (sprays) to your lawn are at the technician’s discretion.
Perennial Grassy Weeds
These weeds can be considered the most difficult to control. Options are limited because this weed species is very similar to the grass growing in your lawn. If your lawn has existing or developing problems with perennial grassy weeds, Good’s Tree and Lawn Care will gladly survey your lawn and make recommendations. We may suggest cultural practice changes before using any products to control these weeds.
Good’s Tree and Lawn Care does not accept responsibility for control of the following perennial grassy weeds. This list includes but is not limited to: K-31 type tall fescue, quack grass, Nimblewill, bentgrass, Bermuda grass, annual bluegrass, Poa trivialis, and zoysia grass.
Good’s Tree and Lawn Care full program will cover nutsedge in a limited capacity. Most infestations of nutsedge will require an additional application(s) that is not covered in our full lawn care program.
If your lawn develops grubs after we have applied a preventative grub control application, Good’s Tree and Lawn Care will apply a curative grub control application and repair any lawn damage that has resulted from the grub damage, at no additional cost.
Good’s Tree and Lawn Care uses quality, custom-blended fertilizers in all lawn applications. Extreme nutrient imbalances are not covered in our full program. If your lawn has fertility issues Good’s Tree and Lawn Care will provide a soil analysis and advise on how to solve any problems.
Soil pH
If the soil pH of your lawn is not within recommended values, the amendment’s to correct the pH are not included in our full program. Good’s Tree and Lawn Care will provide a soil analysis and make recommendations to correct pH issues.
Lawn diseases
Diseases are not covered in our full program. If you have had trouble with diseases in the past, we may recommend fungicide treatment(s). If you have fungicide applications scheduled or recommended we will do our best to monitor the weather and your lawn for disease. However, it is up to the customer to communicate any visible problems. Good’s Tree and Lawn Care does not accept the responsibility for damage to your lawn from lawn diseases. We will, however, look at every instance on a one by one basis.
Thatch is a spongy layer of mostly dead grass stems and roots at the top of the soil. It may be caused by improper cultural practices or just by the nature of the type of grass you have in your lawn. It can be controlled with better cultural practices.
A heavy thatch layer (1/2 inch or more) can cause problems with your lawn. It can greatly reduce water infiltration, therefore reducing product intake. Pre-emergent herbicides and preventative grub control depend on water infiltration to become effective. It may also cause summer stress due to rain or irrigation water not reaching the soil.
Good’s Tree and Lawn Care technicians may suggest aeration to reduce thatch, please consider this suggestion. This service is not included in our Full Program. If your lawn has not been aerated in the last 3 years, it may be a good time to consider aeration.
Cultural Practices
Good’s Tree & Lawn Care is committed to using the best quality products and personnel to provide a green and healthy lawn. Cultural practices are a large part of keeping your lawn green and healthy. These cultural practices include but are not limited to: proper mowing height and frequency, limiting excessive traffic during summer stress and freezing temperatures, proper irrigation and simply monitoring for any problems.
These good cultural practices are the customer’s responsibility. Your technician may leave notes on your invoice referencing any of these cultural practices along with any other problems he or she may see at the time of service. Please take time to read and consider any recommendations made.
Good’s Tree and Lawn Care is committed to providing you a good product with great customer service. We believe good communication is the key to providing this service.
*Good’s Tree and Lawn Care will provide free spot weed treatments with a full program commitment. New service must have the first three rounds before the treatment guarantee begins. Customers who have been on the program for one year continuous (without interruption,) will be eligible for the treatment guarantee.
Got any questions or want to schedule an appointment?
Contact us now below or give us a call at 717-564-1995. We look forward to hearing from you!